"Colantotte Necklace ZEST" is the 2 pieces of the rare-earth magnets are embedded in the new design capsule and placed the 4 capsules, 8 magnets in total, around the neck portion. With the 150mT magnetic force and the Colantotte's original Alternating North-South Polarity Orientation (ANSPOTM), "Colantotte COA Necklace ZEST" improves circulation and relieves stiffness.
The joint, pendant top and the chain are made of tough and rust-resistant stainless steel SUS316L, and it is gentle on your skin so that can be worn without anxiety.
The bar-shaped pendant top of the "Twist" model is curved-surface processed and it express the product name "twist" in an unique way. Also, by applying the hairline finish on the pendant top surface, the product obtained the casual atmosphere
The magnetic force improves circulation and relieves stiffness.
The joint, pendant top and the chain are made of tough and rust-resistant stainless steel SUS316L, and it is gentle on your skin.
Stainless Steel (SUS316L) <Magnet> Eight 150mT Rare-Earth Permanent Magnet are arranged in Althernating North-South Polarity Orientation (ANSPOTM)